Clinton Health Access Initiative

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Search Results Page 1 of 11

As the Innovation Senior Associate you will:- Collaborate with the Director of Innovation Strategy and the Vice President of Innovation to drive strategic transformation within CHAI.- Support the formulation of a strategic vision and actionable roadmap to integrate innovations into CHAI’s global programs, ensuring alignment with CHAI’s long-term goals and mission.- Contribute to the design and implementation of a robust scoping methodology to prioritize new interventions based on strategic value.- Assist in identifying high-impact areas for organizational growth, such as mental health and AI technologies, by evaluating internal and external opportunities for innovation integration.- Scope potential new, high-impact program areas by conducting thorough subject matter deep-dives...
Program (Division)
Innovation - Innovation Launchpad
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
United States
As the Innovation Manager you will:- Collaborate with the Director of Innovation Strategy and the Head of Innovation to drive strategic transformation within CHAI.- Lead the formulation of a strategic vision and actionable roadmap to integrate innovations into CHAI’s global programs, ensuring alignment with CHAI’s long-term goals and mission.- Design and implement a robust scoping methodology to prioritize new interventions based on strategic value.- Identify high-impact areas for organizational growth, such as mental health and AI technologies, by evaluating internal and external opportunities for innovation integration.- Lead scoping exercises for potential new, high-impact program areas by conducting thorough subject matter deep-dives and comprehensive evaluations of the...
Program (Division)
Innovation - Innovation Launchpad
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
United States
- Diagnose procurement inefficiencies and develop solutions to address affordability challenges, collaborating with CHAI teams and external stakeholders.- Perform analytical tasks, including demand forecasting, pricing analysis, and market dynamics assessments.- Design and implement market-shaping strategies to improve procurement efficiency and affordability of NCD commodities across multiple countries and product areas.- Support negotiations with pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies on pricing and access programs and assist the team lead in developing strategic partnerships.- Build strong relationships with key stakeholders and help manage a highly political, complex ecosystem of actors with varying interests, including government partners, donors, and life sciences...
Program (Division)
Global Markets Team
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
United States
Additional Location Description
Flexibility to be based in other program or registered countries
Employee Relations (30%)- Receive complaints from employees and others. Plan and execute confidential investigations, as assigned, of alleged harassment, bullying, discrimination, abuse and exploitation, and other misconduct. Write investigative reports for Global HR leadership and summaries for CHAI leadership.- Provide senior-level counsel on employee relations issues, organizational and workforce development, compensation, procedure and policy interpretation, host-country compliance, and recruiting and retention strategies.- Coach managers and employees to resolve complex employee relations issues, promote career development, improve productivity and morale, and address concerns and disputes.- Under the guidance of their supervisor, serve as Focal Point for issues pertaining to...
Program (Division)
Human Resources
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Primary Job Location : City
Phnom Penh
- Collaborate with government partners, CHAI country teams, and other stakeholders, to identify data & capacity gaps that impact procurement, supply, and distribution systems, and build solutions that fit the needs of the malaria program in the context of the national health system;- Work closely with CHAI malaria country teams and government partners to integrate available data sources and build models to quantify and forecast demand for malaria commodities distributed by the public and private sectors;- Compile information on registration, quantification, procurement and distribution processes and timelines for malaria diagnostic, preventative, and treatment commodities, and document key gaps and recommendations for CHAI’s engagement;- Identify new avenues for CHAI engagement with...
Program (Division)
Infectious Disease - Global Malaria
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Primary Job Location : City
- Serve as a trusted provincial focal point to the CHAI country team and external stakeholders, including (national and subnational) government bodies and non-governmental organizations.- Lead comprehensive assessments of the malaria program, at sub-national level to generate evidence for updating the national strategy, including conducting midterm reviews, financial resource mapping, gap analysis, and developing strategic tools and interventions.- Assist in developing and executing evidence-based  health policies, strategies, and operational plans to increase effective coverage of malaria prevention and treatment interventions- Work in close colaboration with provincial and municipal health authorities to provide daily technical and operational assistance, and monitor and...
Program (Division)
Infectious Disease - Global Malaria
Employment Status
Temporary | Full-Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Regional analytics support (70%)- Work with CHAI teams, national malaria and NTD programs, and partner organizations to identify analytical needs to inform country and regional decisions and strategies - Develop data analysis plans to ensure analyses address priority questions, including specifying research questions, identifying data needs, and determining appropriate methodologies- Conduct analyses of malaria and NTD data, including retrospective epidemiological assessments, impact evaluations, optimizing intervention packages, and quantifying contribution of drivers of transmission such as rainfall and importation - Translate findings into recommendations on programmatic decisions, including on where to prioritize resources, which interventions to implement, and how to deploy...
Program (Division)
Infectious Disease - Global Malaria
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Primary Job Location : City
Additional Location Description
Flexible Angola, pending leadership approval
- Provide day-to-day support to CMED to operationalize the “One Report” reform within the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSP III), which aims to establish unified monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems across the health sector- Support CMED in defining a single M&E framework for evaluating health sector progress, ensuring buy-in across MoH departments and partners- Support to incorporate the “One Report” indicators into routine health sector information systems and M&E processes, including the DHIS2 and the country’s joint reviews at the national, zonal, and district levels- Support the conduct of zonal health reviews as a key platforms for reviewing district performance and as a key input into the National Joint Annual Review process- Support the production of HSSP III...
Program (Division)
Country Programs - Malawi
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Primary Job Location : City
- Provide technical support to the MoH Department of Planning and Policy Development to operationalize the governance reforms in the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSP III), including “One Plan, One Budget, One Report”- Define and strengthen the process of developing the health sector’s annual “One Plan,” including cross-cutting support to HSSP III Technical Working Groups and relevant Ministry of Health Directorates to outline their priorities and map donor funding contributing to these outputs- Support rationalization of Technical Working Groups, including implementation of revised TORs and membership, to ensure that they are “fit for purpose” to deliver the “One Plan, One Budget, One Report” reform- Facilitate the development and implementation of district and facility...
Program (Division)
Country Programs - Malawi
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Primary Job Location : City
Additional Location Description
Ministry of Health, Lilongwe Malawi
- Provide day-to-day support to the MoH Department of Planning and Policy Development to operationalize health financing reforms in the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSP III), including direct facility financing (DFF) and strategic purchasing- Work with the DFF taskforce to oversee the implementation of DFF across both government and partner-funded districts, ensuring fidelity to the Ministry’s DFF guidelines- Support the MoH Deputy Director of Health Financing to drive strategic purchasing and efficiencies agenda across the health sector, including central hospital resource allocation and the public-private partnership with the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM), among other areas- Coordinate partners to strengthen the reform taskforces, which oversee the day-to-day...
Program (Division)
Country Programs - Malawi
Employment Status
Full Time
Primary Job Location : Country (Full Name)
Primary Job Location : City

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